reclaiming your [time] [interests] [opinions]Sometimes I miss being a child. Memories of that time are filled with images of people my age playing soccer or the piano, reading…Sep 8, 20241Sep 8, 20241
acceptanceA key component of growth is accepting things for what they are. There are certain situations or outcomes beyond our control that might…Apr 14, 20242Apr 14, 20242
healthy distractionsThe world is filled with so much tragedy, noise and chaos that it is so easy to get overwhelmed or fall into a state of despair. Each day…Oct 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023
life is like a plane in the sky.Every time I travel on a plane, I try my best to make sure I get the window seat. Sitting by the window gives me an opportunity to look…Jul 8, 20231Jul 8, 20231
adulting is not easy but there is hope.Growing up, I am sure we all wondered how life would look like once we became ‘adults’. Adulting is one of those life phases where there…Sep 9, 20221Sep 9, 20221
where do we even begin from?If I sat you down and asked you to narrate to me the last two years, you would most likely spend a couple of minutes trying to…Jan 24, 2022Jan 24, 2022
The role of social media in our pursuit of development in Africa.A lot has been documented on the struggles of our continent.Feb 27, 2021Feb 27, 2021
the year ahead2020 might have been one of the most hectic years we would ever get to experience as a human race — at least, in recent memory.Jan 2, 20211Jan 2, 20211
Africa’s need for a sense of community and a change in mindset.The next stage in the development of African countries involves a greater sense of community among its people.May 7, 2020May 7, 2020
friends + beyondhumans as we are, we were engineered to interact with one another and build relationships that will help us navigate the world we find…Jun 12, 2018Jun 12, 2018